Thursday, May 21, 2009

Incredible May Moments. . . brought to you by. . .

"What? This is me smiling!" says Brutus.

This is one gnarly lookin' pack o' pooches!

Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane. . . No, it's Super Dog!

No, opera lessons are NOT the usual at FDC!

No, you don't SMELL like a cat. . . Why?

Little dogs dancing brings joy to our days!

That oatmeal shampoo really makes you s-m-e-l-l so yummy!

Play time is the best!

Toby & Olivia hang out in the cool of the playground!


Have you ever seen a cuter face?

Lookin' for fun. . .

Who said I hid the ball? Not me!

Lexie is prancing pretty!

Nala lounges in complete happiness!

Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

Toby! Could anyone look more innocent!

Pondering life while waiting for a game of tag to begin.

Jenny & Marco relax in the cool. . .

. . . and they relax some more!

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