Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Downward Dog

"Hi! My name is Grace!"

"You're the best playmate EVER, Asher!"

"Come play with me, Griffin!"

"I know we look tired, but we have hours of more play in us!"
Turn around, Miso!
Murphy strikes a pose.

Vega takes a page from Miso and goes with the sneak attack!

"Can I get in on the secret meeting, guys??"
"Come back, Murphy! I have something to tell you!"
Charlie gives Grace the sniff test!

"I don't think life could get any better!"

"I agree, Charlie!"
"Is there room for me, Sam?"
"Sam! You're the bestest friend I've ever had!"
"Watch out, guys! Sonny's got my back, and he's no one to mess with!"

"I can make room for you Smokie!"