*This past weekend, the camera met the wrong end of a dog "pile", but we're back to bloggin'!

"Hi! My name is Bailey, and I'm here with my sis Maggie and our best friend,

"I'm Beo, short for Beowolf, and I totally live up to my name!"

"My name is Sonny, and I'm looking for my forever home. I'm young and handsome,
and just love playing with any kind of ball! If you or your friends have room
for me in your home, just call FDC! I'll be waiting!"

Marley always has a smile for the camera!

Coco shows Buddy what she's made of!

"I see those snacks, lemme have some! Yum!"

Jack and his ball take a moment to reflect on his busy day at FDC!

"My sister Bailey already told you about me, but let me introduce myself, I'm

Roxy is back in action after getting her stitches out!

"I just love when we're here on the same day, Roxy!"

"Look at how much fun I'm having Mom & Dad! We really need a puppy at home!"

Show that ball who's boss, Sasha!

"You don't want to mess with me, Marley & Buddy!"

"I'm ready to play, Bella!"

"C'mon Griffin, get up!!"

Marley & his g/f Bella get some alone time!

"Good thing these beds are here. I'm tired!"

Roxy's on the prowl for her next kissing victim!

Beo's moving in on Bella's man!

Bella stops to wipe the sleep out of her eyes before she joins the group!

Griffin! You make it look like you don't run around like a crazy-man all day!

Beo shows off her warrior ways!

Buddy lives for the ball and his smile shows it!!

It's cuddle time for Griff & Radar!

"I see the camera, but I'm not posing! This is all you'll get!"

Radar doesn't give Lexie a chance to say no!

"Mom's right, I really am the cutest!"

"I'm going to share the bed with you Griffin, ok?"

"Size never matters to me, Bella! I'm ready!"

"I'm still waiting, Bella!"

"This is great! I have it all to myself!"

"Sorry, Shyster, we both can't fit in here!"

"Sometimes, I even amaze myself how cute I am!"