Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to Chester and his new family!

"I hope you don't mind some cuddle time, Nina!"

"Hi Mom & Dad! I'm having tons of fun, and I finally got up the courage to
go up the ramp! I'm queen of the world!"

I think Blueberry's in love!

"Is there room for us up there?"

Messi & Maggie have very important things to discuss!

Wherever Nina goes, Messi follows!

"I know you're my sister, Maggie, but my older friends are here! I'll see you

"Hi! I'm Dominoe!"

Toby & Olivia are just chillin' out today.

Can you tell Maggie's happy?

Simba gives a literal meaning to foot in mouth!

Everybody smile!

"I think I'll have a seat right here, Nina, ok?"

Nina & Scruffy don't plan on moving from that spot all day!

"Hi! I'm Bailey!"

Scruffy is deep in thought.