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Come and adopt one of us today!

"Open wide, Roxy!"

Strike a pose, Chester!

"You don't need to yell Roxy, I can hear you just fine!"

"Can I help you??"

"Get my good side!"

Not even a cone can come between Bella and her ball!
"Time to get up now, Nina!"
"Just because I'm short, doesn't mean I can't beat you, Izze!"
"I'm not done with you yet, Griffin!"

Dolce finally poses for a picture!
"I'm pooped! Is it nap time, yet?"
Griff & Gababna just love Eskimo kisses!

"Hey Bailey, whatcha doin'?"
Better watch out for Izze, Shyster!
"Good morning, everybody!"

Jack just loves the water!

Last one in is a rotten egg!

"Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for the hose to come back on!"

Surprise! It's Jack!

Maggie cuddles up with Nina for a nice, long nap!

"Will you ever let me win, Marley?"

"I'm being ambushed!"
Maggie is always so pretty!

Griffin! What are you looking for??

"Maggie doesn't chase her own tail, she chases mine!"