"My name is Kila!"

"Hi! I'm Max!"

"I'm Onyx, Max's brother!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sable!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Savanah!"

Max & Dooley say hello.

"I'm looking for Griffin, have you seen him?"

"Shh...I'm hiding!"

Bentley & Ali are on duty today!

"Hi! My name is Khia, aren't I cute?"

"I'm almost done here, I'll be right there!"

Griffin sizes Khia up.

Khia's got her eye on the kong.

"Hi Mom & Dad!"

"Come back here, Onyx!"

"Hi Marley, mind if I join you?"

"Shyster! What are you doing??"

"Aren't I so handsome?"

"With a face like this, I should be famous!"

"Hi! I'm Dooley!"

The best part of the day!

"Let's go Nina, the pools are out!"

"I don't kow about getting in, but I'll start with the hose!"

Whiskey & Savanah decide whether to get in or not.