Wednesday, April 29, 2009

...Bring May Flowers!

"Hi! I'm Rosey!"

"Hi! My name is Marlin!"

Wonka's in heaven with her kong!

"C'mon, Isha! Get up!"

Taylor & Marlin are a perfect match!

Gazoo makes himself comfortable!

The three amigos discuss strategy!

Taylor is hot on Marlin's trail!

Gazoo's not sure about the pool.

"I just want to give you a hug!"

"Jump in! It's not so bad!"

Taylor's not so sure...

...still thinking about it....

...but finally decides the pool is great and takes a leap into the other one!

Taylor is queen of the castle today!

"I think I need more time to think about this swimming thing!"

"Will there be more pools?!?"

You're surrounded, Messi!

"I'm still a little sleepy, Bruiser, can we talk later?"

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