Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Little Guy Mania!

Griffin soaks up some sun.

"I'm not the new guy anymore, Miso! Watch out!"
"I can't even tell you how much I hate this cone!"
Gabana's so nice to her sister!

Dolce's on bodyguard detail today.

"I'll get that ball from you, if it's the last thing I do, Griffin!"
Bubba Gump is ready to take flight!
"Don't worry! I'm watching them!"
"I just love playing with the Jolly Balls! If you adopt me, we'd have a great
time playing fetch together!"

"I wonder if I can snag that ball before Tank notices it!"
"Wait! I have something to tell you!"
"I promise I won't be a ball hog today!"
"Griffin shared with me, today!"