Monday, February 23, 2009

Off Leash Liasons

"Hi! I'm Mason!"

Griffin is all smiles!

Watch out, Messi, Bella is back to full power!

Hurry, Raven!

Boca is always ready for a photo-op!

Griffin & Lexie try not to bump heads!

Charmings here to join the party!

Bentley, Manly & Wonka don't mess around when it comes to hose time!

Bella goes straight to the source.

Baloo proves he's no old man!

"Try and catch me Messi!"

"Whoa, Boca! You're in my bubble!"

Ty takes it all in.

"Is this still too close, Griffy?"
Boca just wants to drink in peace!
"You've met my brother Mason, now say hi to me, Bentley!"

Slow Ride

Taylor & Griffin have a quiet moment alone.

Bowser just loves his sister!

Hemi's the referee!

Charming & Griffin wait in line for a chat with Maycee!

Griffin's such a ham!

"Move over, Stella!"
Samson is so handsome!