Monday, March 2, 2009

Erin go Woof!

Miso's a shoe-in for the hose olympics!

"Watch out, boys! I'm queen here!"

"I'll show you around, Coco!"

Wonder what Riley's thinking about...

"But I have to tell you something!"

"Mom, Dad, could we take Max home with us?? He's my new best friend!"

"No time for talking! Where's the all the water?"

Samson does take breaks sometimes!

"Whoa, Riley! I don't know if that's such a good idea!"

"My breakfast was awesome! Wanna smell?"

Riley still tries to convince Missy about his bad idea!

Nobody sneaks up on Miso!

"Look at me! I can touch my tongue to my nose!"

"Nice to meet you! I'm April!"

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