Thursday, May 8, 2008

This Week in Pictures...

Bella M. just surveying the scene.

Nittany's close up!

Hi Nittany! I'm Teddi, ready to play?

Asher is finally taking a break!

Hey! Griffin! Wake up, I'm bored!

Hey Niko. I'll be down in a sec. Let me get the sleep out of my eyes first!

Griffin, Lucy and Niko...the circle of friends.

Lily and Bella S. discuss something very important!

Sibling rivarly at its best.

Griffin leads the rough life...

We weren't formally introduced! I'm Lucy, and my sister is Bella, a big yellow
lab! I know I'm little, but I'm tougher than you think!

Niko scans the crowd.

Oliver and Asher meet!

Asher debates whether he should play tug-of-war with Bella M!

Toby wants to tell Lily a secret.

Max and Fritz get the daily dirt off each other!

See! I told you I'm tough!

Teddi? Laying down?? Good thing there's a picture as proof!

Fritz greets the day!

My dad and I are wood-workers, (we even built the counters here at FDC!),
so I was just showing all my dog friends the glasses I wear when dad and I are
on the job!

Shea and is all fresh and clean and ready to go!

Hi! I'm Chole! I had a lot of fun on my first day and I hope Mom brings me back
real soon!

Woodie shows off his fetching skills!

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